What System?

The size of the system you need depends on the size of your home and how much you want to save monthly on your electric bill.

Matt and his team can take you through every step of the process when choosing the system that is exactly right for you.

Systems range from $1,000 to $50,000, depending on your needs. The bigger the system, the more you save. Our systems can be mounted to your roof or anywhere on your property.

A grid-tie solar array converts the sun's energy into power for you to use. You do not need batteries with a grid-tie system which lowers your installation cost as well.

Many of our customers add to their existing systems each year with their tax savings. The tax credit of 30 percent is available so the time is now! You are able to receive the tax credit with additional improvements to your system after the initial installment.

Is your system protected?

Yes, it is! Alternative Electric, LLC provides a 15-year warranty on the inverter and a 25-year warranty on the panels (impact rating = golf-ball-sized hail at 75 MPH). Since the system pays for itself in seven years or less, that means your warranty outlasts your investment OVER THREE TIMES!


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